Monday, July 18, 2005


Sex Dating leads to Marriage, Good Friends & a Child

On 10/13/2004 snakeinbris said

Hi We -- (Jenni an John) snakeinbris and sex2701plus1 on AFF -- have been involved with AFF since 2001. It was where we first started chatting..and eventually we became a couple. just thought that all the members would like to know that we have just had a child on the 11 October 2004 in Brisbane Australia, and were it not for AFF we would have never met..AFF isnt just for casual or steamy encounters, it has also worked for us in bringing us together, as well as meeting other AFF people from around Australia and making very good friends.. So to all the pessimestic and doubters of AFF..hang in never know who you might it did for us...and we still use it to chat to friends..
Regards John and Jenni..Brisbane..Australia **Read More


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